


















   Shepter Kennel

  is a small kennel of sports Mudi and working Border Collie,
devoted to breeding only the best dogs in the breed.
Our goal is to combine dogs of excellent health and mind,
where great working qualities: speed, flexibility,
intelligence, drive and good anatomy,
 go hand in hand with a stable mind and great social abilities,
so that
the body doesn’t limit the mind and
 the mind doesn’t limit the body


Every litter is the result of our passion and love.

Every puppy gets the exact amount of socialization that he or she needs.

We try to create diamonds – it depends on you how bright yours will shine…































































Kopiko Credo Shepter




JCh.Pl., Ch.Pl., Ch.Lt.,

CW, Zw.Pl.


Agility 3

Obedience 3

R-O 3

HIT (Sheep)

V-Ch Obedience Pl

PP Obedience 3rd


HD, ED: A, 0/0



Bubos Banka




JCh.Pl., Ch.Pl.,

Ch.Lt,. Ch.Sk.,

CW, Zw.Pl.


Agility 3

Obedience 1

R-O 3


HD, ED: A, 0/0


Li Shepter



Obedience 2

Agility 2


HD, ED: A, 0/0




Agility 3

Obedience 2

R-O 3





Copyright SHEPTER Kennel